List of Articles

Food and Life. Vol. 2024, No. 2, 2024

Research Article
Effectiveness of Teucrium herb as an antibacterial agent
Food Life 2024;2024(2):41-45.
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The effects of incorporating oleogel on properties of model system emulsions
Food Life 2024;2024(2):47-64.
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Evaluation of processing characteristics of materials using insect protein extract
곤충 단백질 추출물을 적용한 소재의 가공 특성 평가
Food Life 2024;2024(2):65-71.
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Review Article
Study on research trends of alternative protein foods focused on domestic and international
대체단백식품에 대한 국내외 연구현황 분석
Food Life 2024;2024(2):73-88.
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